It all started last night. I made the thoughtless mistake of taking to much water with Zero tablets during the day. That can be the only explanation for the bladder infection that ensued. My temperature was soaring and I was in pain and very uncomfortable. I just couldn't sleep, I took the only thing I had on me which was Ibuprofen. I turned my hand bag inside out hunting for Paracetamol to lower my temperature but alas I had none. The last time I looked at the time it was 1.35am. I was up and down to the loo for a wee all night. Eventually I dropped off, to be woken at 4am by my alarm. My bladder was still not right, but not as bad as it was before I slept. My temp was still higher than normal and I was not feeling too good. I considered pulling out of the event. I then decided to at least get to the venue and see how I feel. I had to force some porridge down me in between mixing my energy drinks for the day. I set off for the event at 5.10am. It was overcast and for once I was grateful for that, it wasn't cold but less sun today would be appreciated.
I arrived at 6am and headed for the transition are with my plastic storage box holding all my kit. I brought my wetsuit just in case we were allowed to wear them. As I walked over it was announced over the loud speaker that the middle distance ( that's the half Ironman) athletes could wear wetsuits but the shorter distances could not. I was relieved about that as the wetsuit does provide some added buoyancy.
By this time I had decided to give the event a go, I couldn't come all this way and pull out now.
Then I saw my friend David who I rode in Africa with, a quick hug made me feel a bit better.
I went into the transition area, found my bike and prepped all my gear. I fussed over it for far too long. I guess that is because I am so inexperienced at these events and I was nervous.
There were 800 competitors taking part in three different distances, sprint, standard and middle.
The middle distance competitors were set off first in waves according to their estimated swim time. So the quickest go first. Oh! I forgot to mention that was after the professionals.
I was in the last wave for my distance.
We all waded into the lake, it was strewn with weeds and Lilly's. The water wasn't too cold and it was till overcast. Once all in deeper water and we had warmed up for five minutes, the starter horn was sounded. Off we went, it was a little manic at the start but I soon managed to pass a few swimmers and find a space. I would like to say I found a rhythm and settled in, but no, I didn't and couldn't. The weeds and Lilly's were everywhere. I found myself pulling armfuls of weed up as I went and in the murky water all you saw was thousands of tendrils just waiting to wrap themselves around you. On a few occasions I had to pull hard to get an arm free or kick hard to free my foot. On a couple of occasions my face was draped with a big Lily pad. All very off putting and sometimes a little scary. A few swimmers panicked and had to be helped by the kayakers.
At the furthest point we crossed to the other side of the lake and headed back. This side had far less weed and the swimming was much easier. As I turned my head to take breaths, I could see the beautiful lawns of the estate and beyond that the Vachery Estate Hall. It is nestled among some huge trees. I though to myself, I must come back here to see the gardens one day.
Once past that view I concentrated on my technique to keep my mind occupied. Also for the length of the return journey I was swimming alongside someone else almost in unison. This was good for me as I used this swimmer as a guide. I saw she was looking ahead quite often, so knew she was heading in the right direction. We eventually turned at the final buoy and headed for shore. A wooden ramp with jute carpet had been set up so getting out wasn't to difficult although there was a step to get onto it. The marshals were waterside to guide us.
Then there was the run into transition. I am disappointed with my swim time of nearly 38 minutes for the 1900 metres. But can console myself with the fact that the weeds were the inhibitor.
I am too tired to carry on typing so will post this and add a separate post about the ride and run, it gets worse!!!
Location:Vachery Estate
Well done Angela, keep going you are doing a great job and don't forget there are a very high pecentage of people that don't even dream of doing what you do. You are special and talented, committed and will get yourself ready for the big event. Very proud of you.