Sunday, 18 August 2013

This weeks training ( or lack of )

The bee sting that I got last Saturday had an awful effect.
My thigh somehow became infected and it ballooned as well as being painful and most unsightly.
The Doc gave me antibiotics on Monday and recommended I rest. He wasn't very helpful and when I asked for something to cover it so  could swim, he said I should have gone to the hospital not to him.
I must admit I was pretty freaked out by it all.  Up to now my training had been going so well.  Now I had to take a break.
It was the right thing I know, but that didn't help my mental attitude.  I was in pain from the top of my thigh to my knee and I wanted it to be better.
By Wednesday my leg looked disgusting.  Where I work we share a building with lots of medical professionals so I went and sought advice.
A nurse gave me some time and I could see by her face she was shocked when she saw my leg.  But she was lovely and gave me a full explanation about what was going on and what was best.  I was really silly and ended up in tears, out of frustration.
She made me understand why I felt so sick and drained all the time and suggested other painkillers too.

So I had to resign myself to taking a break.  I was being woken every night by the pain and was uncomfortable all day.  Anyway it started looking better after Wednesday and on Friday evening I decided to go for a gentle run. 
I couldn't believe my luck.... within 100 metres my leg was in agony and I had to stop, I just turned around and walked home.  I think I ought to have loosened up more before setting off.
I did lots of stretching then and in hindsight I should have been stretching every night even though I wasn't training.
On Saturday 17th I went for a mountain bike ride. After about 90 minutes I felt like I had pulled my left ham string so to prevent further injury I cut the ride short.  Again once I got home I did loads of stretching.
Sunday 18th August,  three weeks to the big event.
I wanted to run today but was worried about my legs, my ham string still felt tight and my right thigh was still hurting.
I stretched my legs out as soon as I got up and massaged them with Tiger Balm. I had a light breakfast and then  I did some house work and cleaned out my garden shed just to get my leg muscles nice and warm.
By 11am ish I was set for the road.  I set off very gently half expecting to be hit by some pain somewhere.  Nope, I felt ok.  After 20 minutes or so I was still ok and I cant tell you how relieved I was.  The pain in my right thigh wasn't bothering me, it only hurts to touch and is bruised, but when running its ok.
A few times I had to stop and stretch as I could feel my muscles tightening.  I ran slowly all the way
but I managed to run 12 miles.
Once home I stretched a bit and jumped into an ice cold bath.  It works wonders on overused muscles if you can stand to get in.  Just 10 minutes in the cold water and out again.  Then I spent ages stretching and massaging my aching legs.  I was very tired and quite cold so dressed warm and sat outside in the sun and fell asleep for a while. 
Then I had to sort out my road bike, the brakes completely wore out on my last long ride so I replaced the front and rear brake blocks.
And since the sun was till shinning I cut my grass.
I am absolutely shattered now and am looking forward to bed.
I will rest tomorrow as per my programme and start again on Tuesday. I only have two weeks of full training left.  Eek!


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