Tuesday 6 August 2013

Tuesday swim and run

Tuesdays are tough days for me. An early start, getting up at 5.15am to get to the pool before work. Today was no different, I struggled to get up. But I was relieved as I felt better than I expected to. Last night I felt rough, like I had a cold coming on. But I didn't. So off I went to the pool. It was the busiest it's ever been and I had to dodge swimmers. Today all I had to do was swim a straight 3 km. Due to all the dodging, the first 30 minutes was quite frustrating. It took 1 hr 20 minutes to complete the 3km. I was happy enough with that.
My day at work was pretty fraught and I didn't feel like running when I got home. I seem to have conditioned my mind over the months to get me out training no matter how I feel. I decided to take a new route for a change. It meant two steep climbs but that's what I wanted. I did a 6 mile run and pushed hard for the last 15 minutes and up those climbs. It hurt like hell but I reminded myself that I was pain training.
I did stretch afterwards but my calves are still sore.
I'm glad Tuesday is over for another week. They are my hardest days.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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