Monday 26 August 2013

New week ahead

Monday 26th August 2013.
Tomorrow starts my last full week of training before I start tapering for the big day.
I feel pretty good, but must confess I am full of trepidation.  It feels quite surreal, will I really be taking part in Ironman Wales.  Labelled as one of the hardest triathlons in the world!  Me?
Lots of questions, have I done enough?  Have I got my nutrition right blah blah blah.....
I am looking forward to tomorrows early morning swim and all I can do now is keep focussed.
Today I put new bar tape on my bike and ordered a new chain ring and chain.  These will be fitted at the end of next week after my last long training ride along with my slick racing tyres and I will give my bike a thorough check over.

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