Friday 19 July 2013

Half Ironman this Sunday
Above us the link to the event that I am doing this Sunday. I am not sure if I am ready for it but I am going to do my best. It will be a good test of how my training is going. Below is an estimation of my expected time. I will be satisfied if I complete the event in that time. I have a slight problem with my right knee and I hope it holds out. I have been resting it, icing it and stretching lots to alleviate the pain. I will strap it up on Sunday for the run and hope for the best. I had a 30 minute swim this morning. Travelling to Surrey tomorrow. I am very nervous about the event. A half iron is a big deal and I never thought I would do one, never mind use it as a training exercise for a full Ironman! I have a lot to learn about nutrition for endurance events . Trying to get the right amount of carbohydrates on these long events is not easy. I find eating when tired very difficult, but it's crucial if I am to complete this. The heat will be an added challenge and fluid intake will have to increase. Wish me luck and I hope to have cheery news after the event .

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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