Tuesday 2 July 2013

Tuesdays training disaster

Today should have been the start of the peak phase in training.  But due to my cat Jerry having injured himself and keeping me up until 4.30am, there was no way I could manage my early morning swim before work.  So instead I have spent the day nursing Jerry and planning long training rides.

This is what a typical week looks like for me now.

Monday- Rest
Tuesday-. Morning  -Swim 3500 metres.  Evening- Run 1 hour
Wednesday. - Evening  30 mins bike straight into 25 min run
Thursday- Evening  Bike 1 hour
Friday-  Morning swim 3500 metres
Saturday- Bike- 4 hours
Sunday- Run 2 hrs 30mins

I must admit by Monday I am desperate for the rest day but the Sunday run always leaves me on a high.

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