Thursday 4 July 2013

Thursday 4th July

Not much to report today.

Yesterdays ride and run was tough because I am tired from lack of sleep. But it didn't stop me from pushing myself hard on one of the cycle sections.  Then did a bit of strength work for my back to try and ease the pain I feel after a few hours in the saddle.

Jerry, my kitten kept me awake from the early hours this morning and when my alarm did go off, I felt I could hardly lift my head from my pillow.
There is a lot going on at work for me so I am kept very busy there and eat on the go. Not ideal when trying to keep to a good eating regime.

This evening I rode steady for 37 minutes, then sprinted for 10 minutes and finished with a steady 25 minutes. 

Need better sleep tonight as I have an early morning swim planned for tomorrow morning.

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