Tuesday 9 July 2013

Tuesday 9 July

I very nearly didn't get up early today for my early swim. I was awake before the 5.15 am alarm and felt so tired. I eventually got up after hitting the snooze button. .. Twice! The swim went well, I did my sets and drills covering 100 lengths in just over an hour.
Once at the office I refuelled with muesli and a banana. By midday I was ready for a nap. Really should have a camp bed at work.
After work I got home sometime after 5 and quickly vacuumed the house ready for the house viewing tomorrow. Then had 10 minutes playing with Jerry my cat. It was very hot still, 28 C according to my thermometer on the garden. I slapped on sun cream and hit the road. I ran for almost an hour. The run was supposed to last an hour but I had a real pain behind my right knee so didn't push myself. As soon as I got in I put an ice pack on the painful area. I am feeling very weary and weak. I will take it easy tomorrow and have Thursday off

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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